Our People

  • We believe that every day presents opportunities for our employees to “go green.”
    Respecting the environment and creating a “green” culture requires the dedication of all Springs Window Fashions employees. Everyone's involved, from the factory associates who manufacture our window coverings to the office staff who strive to create a healthier working environment. We've even developed a corporate “green team” to look for the most efficient and effective ways to incorporate eco-friendly practices into our products and facilities without sacrificing the superior quality of our products.
  • Arbor Day

    Springs Window Fashions respects trees and everything they give us. We understand how important it is to plant new trees so we always have enough to give us what we need. In 2010 and 2011, we will plant 100,000 trees in cooperation with the Arbor Day Foundation.
    View our 2010 and 2011 Arbor Day Accomplishments.
  • Earth Day

    Factory and office associates reach out to teachers and students (Pre-K through 5th grade) to celebrate Earth Day. Using the free Bali GreenByNature lesson plan, teachers and students can easily explore the benefits of one of our most valuable renewable resources — wood.

    Get Involved!

    Print out your Earth Day Lesson Plan and worksheets (appropriate for kindergarten through 3rd grade.

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